iAppCat - directory of Cydia repositories

Sn Repo

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Packages in Sn Repo repository:



iphoneos-arm: 1.0.8
Hide that ugly App Drawer and make return to the olden days when opening your photos didn't take so many presses! If you want to use another app, simply press the button with a little force and the App Drawer will be presented to you. When you select an app, that will become the new app that is opened when you press the button.


iphoneos-arm: 1.0.3
Open "reddit.com" links in the Apollo app using libOpener.


iphoneos-arm: 0.0.2
Any MKMapView's will have Dark Mode enabled


iphoneos-arm: 0.0.1
fix the easiest bug ever. the last song in the queue being invisible. why didnt spotify fix it if it was so easy? probably because theyre too busy messing with the ui (or theres an actual reason idk but from what i saw it had no reason to be)


iphoneos-arm: 0.1.3
Customize the Messages App

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