iAppCat - directory of Cydia repositories

Ryley's Repo

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Packages in Ryley's Repo repository:



iphoneos-arm: 1.2.0-2
A tweak to automatically lock the device when Airplane mode is enabled. Activator provides the locking functionality.


iphoneos-arm: 0.2.10, 0.2.8, 0.2.9
A general purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Use the Liberty entry in the Settings app to block (most) apps from detecting your jailbreak. Cydia Substrate can be selectively disabled, but this isn't required for many apps.

Liberty Lite

iphoneos-arm: 0.1.19, 0.2.10, 0.2.8, 0.2.9
A (lite) general purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Use the Liberty entry in the Settings app to block (most) apps from detecting your jailbreak. Disabling Substrate/Substitute is not supported, so certain apps (PayPal, HSBC HK) will still be problematic.

Liberty Lite (Beta)

iphoneos-arm: 0.2.11, 0.2.12
A (lite) general purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Use the Liberty Lite entry in the Settings app to block (most) apps from detecting your jailbreak. Disabling Substrate/Substitute is not supported. 32-bit support is currently disabled.


iphoneos-arm: 0.0.5
A small patch to bypass the jailbreak detection in the "Red Dead Redemption 2" companion app. The supported app versions are 1.0.1, 1.1.1, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0 and 1.5.1.


iphoneos-arm: 0.0.2
A patch to help mitigate Spectre-type JavaScript attacks. It currently reduces the resolution of performance.now() and prevents SharedArrayBuffers from being created

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