iAppCat - directory of Cydia repositories

sk8r Repo

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Packages in sk8r Repo repository:



iphoneos-arm: 0.0.1
An awesome MobileSubstrate tweak!


iphoneos-arm: 1.0.1-75
Change the usual dark appearance of Spotify to a lighter theme! Tested with Spotify 6.5.0 on iPhone.


iphoneos-arm: 1.0.1
Customize your Notification Center!


iphoneos-arm: 0.0.1
Show lyrics of currently played song! Note: Arbitrary loads need to be allowed in Info.plist of the Spotify app. Only change if you know what you do.


iphoneos-arm: 0.1-94
Tweak for Spotify. With this tweak installed, a song is added to the top of your playlist rather than to the end of it. Very convenient when you often have to drag songs all the way to the top. Unlike with the built-in ‘Recently Added’ feature, you are still able to change the order of the songs. Please notice that this tweak only affects newly added songs.


iphoneos-arm: 0.1
This tweak makes 'Wink' compatible on lock screen. Download Wink from http://repo.fortysixandtwo.com/

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